Personal Level:

Control tech, don’t let tech control me.

Have an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies I’m using.

Think about the opportunity cost of using a technology (I.e playing on phone may be a fun activity, but the time it takes up removes the possibility of doing non-technological stuff).

Everything in Moderation!!!!!

Worker Level:

Don’t be evil.

Think very hard about how I would like being on the receiving end of that technology.

Think about what pre-obsessed with job prospects Jeremy would think about the morality of the work/company.

Provide moral objections to things that are morally objectionable at company.

If there is a reasonable alternative to an unethical company that is not highly unethical, choose that company even if the pay is a bit lower.

Societal Level:

If something terrible is happening that is making the world a cyber dystopia, protest against that.

Don’t support something if you think its gonna create a cyber dystopia (bascially vote with your wallet).

Think about the impact not just on your country/class/race/gender/orientation, but also on the rest of the world.

Don’t allow governments to use technologies to infringe on your rights at all unless absolutely necessary.